Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): PageController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Pages\BlockPage

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): PageController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Pages\BlockPage

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Blocks\HeroBlock

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Blocks\TimelineBlock

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Blocks\FeatureGridBlock

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\DBFile created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Assets\Image

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of IGI\Website\Blocks\GridBlocks\ContentBlock

Multi client courses » IGI Energy

Training Courses

IGI offers a range of training courses in petroleum geochemistry and basin petroleum systems modelling, as well as field-based courses and training for our software.

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Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry

Multiclient courses

Petroleum Systems and Geochemistry

IGI provides a range of introductory to advanced petroleum systems and geochemistry courses that can be delivered in-person or online, and on a multiclient or single-client basis.

Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry

Learn the basics of source rock and oil evaluation, and it's importance as a tool for reducing risk in exploration and production.

Learn more